Dot of the World

I am just a dot of this world, nothing more than a dot. However, in the eyes of God, I am a precious dot. 'Dream, Observe and Think' made up the DOT Philosophy.

Monday, January 24, 2005

The World Forum on Theology and Liberation

The World Forum on Theology and Liberation is taking place in Brazil, city of Porto Alegre, 21-25 January, 2005.
Live webcast
Daily reports and further info

Information was provided by my Brazilian friend

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Just some recent news

I haven't updated the Dot of the World for ages. As I keep focusing on writing my feelings and thoughts in Chinese. It's so interesting that I have to write and to think billingually since I have been living in London.

When I designed the blogs, I believed that I had to make an English column, so that my non-Chinese friends can also keep in touch with me through this blog.

I really love my life in London. When the Master course draws near to an end, I start to think of my future. Will I stay here for a little while? Or will I go back to serve Hong Kong?

Hong Kong is always in my mind. I love her. However, I found that I am so insufficient to do anything. I feel like I am a sponge which wants to absorb everything in the sea of knowledge.

There are a lot of dreams at nights. I mingled all people and places of Hong Kong and London in my dreams. Sometimes I have almost mixed up the reality and the dreams too. I felt like I am living in two realities, maybe, in both virtualities. I keep pondering on the issue of cultural identity. Who am I? The only answer is that I am just a dot in the world.

After the CMW course, I pray much more earnestly to God and I hope that he will guide me through in my pathfinding journey so that I can contribute myself to the world. I am still learning how to think of the world in the creation model. I am still thinking of Stott's double listening. I hope to do more integrative studies on theology and world knowledge.

How are you lately?