Dot of the World

I am just a dot of this world, nothing more than a dot. However, in the eyes of God, I am a precious dot. 'Dream, Observe and Think' made up the DOT Philosophy.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

The old culture is dying?

'When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure.’
- Rudolph Bahro (A German ecologist)

The modern world has passed away; and the post-modernity is leading the world. This world seem to be in a very paradoxial situation. It's brand- new era, but it's chaotic. It's full of creativity, but it appeared to be far from God. Where are we going to? Which hero we are waiting for?

Or the world is waiting for 'a few people who are not afraid to be insecure' to establish a new order to this world?

Here are two very good articles (click the links):

The Emerging Church: A Pig in Lipstick?
'...'Where is this emerging church? How long do we have to wait before there's a sign? Or are we just too busy kicking the existing church to death?'....'It is arrogant to think we have the right to "transition" the church', said Mark Pierson. The problem is that 'too often we have simply changed the church by putting lipstick on the pig'. .... Mark suggests that the church has spent too much time and effort in adopting 'packages from the USA' in a simplistic attempt to re-invent itself....'

Jacques derrida - positively deconstructed
'Justice, said derrida, cannot be deconstructed -- is this not the way of the gospel?'

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Tweenies & kidults

Post War Consumerism and the Youth Market

'The most anxious identity crises tend to occur in adolescence but it is easy to see how this stage can be exploited by marketers. Artificially delaying the arrival of adulthood, and thus extending the period of identity exploration, is an obvious ploy, seen in Disneyland but in many other contexts as well'. - David Lyon, Jesus in Disneyland

We haven't been aware of the power of the iconolatry of youth. The eight years-old girls want to be the eighteen youngsters (tweenies) while the young adults also want to stay at their eighteen's (kidults). All people want to be the teenagers, in the consumeristic world.

What the world is like now?

Think of D. Bonhoeffer....he talked about the adulthood of our age. I am afriad that we have been regressed to an eariler stage.

how do u think?

Monday, October 25, 2004

Environment and our faith

Today I have attended a lecture talking about Christian faith and the environment.

It raised a very good point about why the church involved so little in environmental protection. It was because the church focus too much on the human-oriented evangelism and souls matter.

However, we have to see the bigger creation of God.
Adam, was made of dust/dirt. We are just part of God's creation, more or less the same as other animals, plants.....
We are prestigous because God has asked us to rule over and preserve the land.

Where have we been?