Dot of the World

I am just a dot of this world, nothing more than a dot. However, in the eyes of God, I am a precious dot. 'Dream, Observe and Think' made up the DOT Philosophy.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

At a crossroad

I appear to be at a crossroad about my future.

I have already finished my Master course and the result will be announced in mid-Mar. I don't really know about my next step. God appears to be so silent in this period of time.

I have really learnt a lot in London. I can observe how the great politicians build up this metropolitan city with a flourish. There are so many things happening here everyday. I can meet Nelson Mandala in Trafalgar Square. I can see quality TV productions in BBC. I met such wonderful people in the CMW and the Sesame course.....I ask God, 'have I finished learning already?' 'do you still want me to learn more from this city?' Do I still have to wander around the desert or is it the time for me to go home to serve my people?

I love my own city. I love Hong Kong. Every time, however, when I look into my strength and my weakness, I found myself so inadequent to do anything for my city, even more, for my country. Of course, Stott's quote always appears in my mind,"I can't do everything but I can do something".

I thus will go back to HK for a few weeks and I will talk to some mentors of mine. Then I wll come back here to finish an Arts Policy course that I am taking until June (hahaha...maybe you find that I am a studyaholic!).

In the coming 2-3 months, I will try to seek jobs in both London and Hong Kong, to see how God lead me in his way. I know that my final place in my own city, but I don't know whether my training period has almost finished or not.

Every route is perfect for me, provided that it is God's way.


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